Untitled-1So, you’ve been lucky enough to receive a beautiful bouquet of flowers. Don’t worry if some of the blooms are in bud, this is to ensure you can enjoy every moment of your bouquet possible. We’ve had reports from our customers that they’ve received  flowers from us and they’ve lasted over three weeks.

Well here’s our secret – we only buy the best quality flowers, we are lucky enough to have a super fast turnover of flowers, ensuring you get to enjoy the flowers rather than us. We have a fresh delivery of flowers six days a week every week.

But can our flowers really be too fresh? in my opinion the longer you can enjoy your flowers, surely the better. what are your thoughts? would you really be happy if your flowers arrived in full bloom, yes they look beautiful on delivery, but this is for a short period of time, they are already on the turning point and your bouquet shall soon be looking sad.

We’d love  to hear your opinion and thoughts on whether flowers can be too fresh!!